Applying for credit online is:
- Comfortable: you make your request quietly from home, you don't have to move.
- Fast : in just a few clicks you can complete your request.
- Efficient: as soon as you validate the online form, and if you receive a favorable first opinion, you can download your credit contract offer from a pdf link on our site.< /li>
- Step 1: The simulator
Choose from the menus the nature of your project, the amount you want to borrow, the monthly payment you consider optimal or the repayment period you want (in months).
- Step 2: Apply for your loan
You get a simulation summary for your project to which Direkt Kasse associates a suitable insurance proposal. At this stage, you can click on “Apply for a loan” and fill out the online form directly.
- Step 3: Your file
If your request receives a favorable opinion, you can download, from a pdf link on our site, your credit contract offer, print it at home and send it back to us more quickly, with the supporting documents necessary to the finalization of your file. At the same time, you will receive an email summarizing your request. We will still send you, within 48 hours, this credit contract offer by email and also send you a paper version by post.
For a request made on our website and benefiting from a favorable opinion, you have the possibility of directly downloading the credit contract offer from a pdf link. You can therefore print this document at home, sign it and send it back to us along with the supporting documents necessary to finalize your file. At the same time, we will send you a proposal by email for this credit contract offer within 48 hours paper by mail that you will receive within the usual postal delays.
The amount of your credit will be available in your bank account within 48 hours in working days from the processing of your request. (Subject to acceptance of your file by Financo and after expiry of the legal withdrawal period and presentation of the requested supporting documents).
For more flexibility, you have the possibility, every six months, to adjust the amount of your monthly payments, upwards or downwards, according to your needs. (Subject to 'acceptance of the modification request by Financo, in accordance with its management rules in force on the date of the request).
At any time, you can make a total or partial refund of your current credit, which will settle your credit or reduce the amount of your monthly payments or the duration of your credit, according to your choice.