The work loan is primarily aimed at both owners and tenants wishing to undertake work. For owners, it is possible to take out a work loan for both a dwelling principal and a secondary residence.

Direkt Kasse's work loan is a depreciable personal loan. Simple, with no mandatory personal contribution, you choose the amount and duration of your work loan that best suits your budget. The direct debit date is the 10th, 20th or 30th of the month, depending on your convenience. You have the possibility to postpone a maturity without management fees within the limit of twice a year

The credit is really express, since I needed it for the care of my husband. I thank Direkt Kasse it is more reassuring to know that such an institution exists

The credit is really express, since I needed it for the care of my husband. I thank Direkt Kasse it is more reassuring to know that such an institution exists


  1. Laia Agosto
    Client | El Valencia del Vallès

    I've been looking on the internet for my Mird for a loan to restore our garden. But here I am wondering: What are the repayment conditions for a work loan?

    • Ana Garibay
      Admin | Direkt Kasse

      The repayment conditions for a work loan depend first of all on the amount and the number of monthly payments which had been defined when the loan was signed. Note that the maximum repayment period may vary depending on the amount borrowed. The repayment of your work loan may also be impacted by breaks in repayment that may be granted to you in the event of unforeseen circumstances or, conversely, early repayment under conditions.

  2. Pablo Garica
    Customer | Villa Páez

    I say thank you to Direkt Kasse. I didn't believe in it at first but finally my bank called me and confirmed a transfer to my account.

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